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Now available
AmpliSpec™ LAB Mastitis
For the rapid identification of bovine mastitis pathogens’
Biotangents’ latest next-generation molecular diagnostic assay

only 70 min to result
identification of 5 key pathogens
Easy to Use
2-step protocol
utilising Biotangents’ bead platform

AmpliSpec™ LAB Mastitis is Biotangents’ latest next generation molecular diagnostic assay for the rapid detection of key pathogens of bovine mastitis. Based on our establish platform design, it combines LAMP detection, lyophilised bead technology and Biotangents’ advanced bioinformatic capability to create a fast, highly accurate test that is a cost-effective and an easy to use alternative to existing PCR and culture protocols.
For milk samples
Fast amplification & detection
Utilises existing extraction tools
2-step protocol – resuspend, add extract
Works with existing PCR equipment
5 individual pathogen results
2-8°C storage
Valuable molecular addition to your diagnostic portfolio
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