AmpliSpec™ VET
Bringing laboratory capabilities to clinical settings
Our AmpliSpec™ VET tests bring the precision of the laboratory to the clinic.
Our proprietary diagnostics technology is being miniaturised, automated and optimised around the needs of the vet. It allows same-day infectious disease diagnosis in the clinic, giving you:
Targeted treatments
Same-day results
Better clinical outcomes
Quick, practical and precise
Simply add blood to the cartridge
Same-day diagnosis
Simple, streamlined sample handling
Minimal training required
Automated remote results reporting
Nucleic acid extraction, sample processing and diagnosis integrated in the innovative cartridge design
Same-day results, any day, anywhere
Add diagnostic
sample to cartridge
Insert cartridge
into hub
Result delivered
how you want
Optimised around you
Only one pipetting step
Minimal setup time
No calibration required
Highly configurable to your work space
Six independently controlled and disease-flexible cartridge slots
An automated miniaturised system
From nucleic acid extraction to analysis, every step is automated and hands-free, letting you handle other tasks.
Remote results reporting
Once the diagnosis is complete, results can be saved and stored on the device, or delivered straight to you or your customer by email.
Scales with your business needs
Our modular design allows more diagnostic capacity to be added, allowing you to scale to your needs, large or small.
Effective and efficient antimicrobial use
By quickly identifying the cause of infection, the correct antimicrobial agent can be prescribed, saving time, money, and lives.
Always expanding
AmpliSpec™ VET is a versatile diagnostic platform with new disease targets always in development.